Syncrify is smart, it uses increment backup. What this means is, it only backs up parts (bits) of a file that has changed. This will save you heaps of your internet data. For example in your accounting program, say your database is updated by adding an invoice or changing a clients email address, then only those changes are backed up. But Syncrify is even more smarter, you can configure for versioning. What this means is that you can have more than one version of a file. Take the accounting database file again, you can set how many versions you want and Syncrify is so cleaver it saves the modifications separately. So if your what 5 versions and you set to backup from Monday to Friday, you will have a version for the last five working days. If you want to restore you accounting data, you can now choose which of the last five days to restore too. But Syncrify smartness just doesn’t end there, all communication between the client software (your computer) and server (our server in a Palmerston North Data Center) is by SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) so no one can look at your data packets while it is being transmitted. Another security advantage of Syncrify that you might like to use is encrypting your data. Encrypting your data means you can only gain access to it with a password. This is ideal for your very sensitive business files.